The functional principle of the TurboRotors

The functional principle of micronisation is based on a high air throughput. Inside the grinding area, the powerful air-stream builds up tremendous turbulences creating micro-air-whirls in which both direction and speed of the particles are changed in extremely short intervals. This increases the likely hood of two or more particles splitting by mutual impact. As long as the particles are in the TurboRotor, they are constantly kept suspended in the air-stream.
Due to the special advantages of its grinding principle, the TurboRotor is predestined for easy grinding of temperature-sensitive materials or such with a low melting respectively softening point. Moreover, products of a pasty consistency or products which tend to smear or to stick and also those with a high fat content can be processed to a free-flowing powder.
If necessay the feed material is to be prechopped. The mill is designed for a continous operation.

Since the installation is constantly held below atmospheric pressure, no dust will escape from the machine during the grinding procedure.
Because of the high air-throughput, the TurboRotor represents the outstanding solution regarding simultaneous grinding and drying. Combined with a heat-generator for heating up the air, the TurboRotor can be used for drying without any constructional changes. As the drying is accompanied by simultaneous grinding, the surface of the single particle to be dried is quickly expanded in order to vaporise moisture within the core of the particle.